Monday, November 11, 2019

Comedy: As Far As My Ass

By VeNgeR GrEenTag

The bitch wanted to be remebered... Wourni... raped... serial killer... and executed.

And definetly comes out of my ass...
Mormon... convering faith...
Better come up as a moron!

My new motto is level the fuck up...
Some people have goals...
- Get Friends
- Get Girls
- Feel Great
- Get A Girlfriend

My goal is end it all...
Permanent solution for permanent measures.

Jodi rather quicky relationship movement.
Jodi this beautiful queen bitch...
Devasting fucking shitty whore
Jodi Arias nothing more than a pure statement of a bitch which is insecure about life and herself.

Hey Jodi how fucked up are you?
Taking images while somebody is bleeding...
We are talking about Apathetic shitty asset.

Beauty... sometimes is lethal and dangerous
And Jodi took a stand with argument (Abuse from parents)... oh what a defense...
And what's this... Open Mic Night?

Silly bitch

Travis is not a Mormon ... he us a moron... so does fucking jews... idiots... that's why they got kill by Hitler. Darwin theiry of evolution... people who get wiped out are the weak part of the nation.

Lessons will be taken by you!

(When you are magician you end up with rare syndrome... which is inflammatorial and it's called magic syndrome.)

One thing I don't get "Jury buying stories"... so what?
You most often buy stories... now you are out of publishing market?
What the hell!
Killer sells a story and jury does not buy it...
What a shitty thing!
Why people who get lock up in prison... don't get make up?

What's that?
Lock and don't fuck?
What the hell!

Old saying "And beautiful thing can have it's flaws"...
What's that?
Who writes them and who creates them, firstly and second of all
So does and your mom she is a bitch with flaws...FLAWFUL BITCH

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